Decoration project for a 520 m2 space bringing together technology and art
Occupying over 520 m2, V-Restaurant landed in downtown Los Angeles with an original decorative proposal that features a union between technology and art. The premises, dating from 1920, offer unique possibilities: ornate ceilings and an open space enabling an authentic design with comfortable spaces for the customer. The decorative concept is enshrouded in green and combined with noble materials and luxury textile finishes. Its gilded finishes and lighting transport its customers to the classic world, but its transgressive graffiti reminds them that street art is part of the city.
Decoretro was part of this project exported from Stockholm. This original decorative project offers a 360º gastronomic experience in which the lighting, smell, music and textures are taken care of down to the smallest detail. Technology and art at the service of the customer.