Installation of 51 hybrid solar panels to generate domestic hot water and electricity
The "Virgen de los Remedios" Retirement Home is located in the municipality of Campotéjar, some 45 km from Granada. Abora installed 51 hybrid solar panels on the roof of the building to supply electricity and domestic hot water to the 53 long-term and 15 day places available in the retirement home.
Thanks to these panels, 16,683 kWh per year of electricity and 65,364 kWh per year of thermal energy can be produced at the nursing home, all of it using renewable energy. In addition to energy savings and amortizing the project in five years, another result is that some 27,030 kg of CO2 per year will not be emitted into the atmosphere.
For every project Abora studies what each building requires and adapts the design and installation to obtain maximum efficiency. This analysis, and the technological innovation applied to the panels, allowed the installation of the most efficient hybrid panel on the market today to be installed at the retirement home