
Leaders in the manufacture of articulated rest solutions and hospital and nursing home materials

Operating now for over 50 years, Pardo is one of the main international companies in the manufacture of articulated rest solutions and hospital and nursing home equipment, offering the most modern solutions in smart rooms for hospitals and homes for the elderly. It also offers bedding solutions, with articulated bed bases for the hotel or residential channel.  
Technologicaly specialised, Pardo designs, produces and fully maintains beds, furniture and therapeutic and bedding solutions. The company takes into account environmental impacts associated with the full service life of the product. In recent years, it has opted for Ecodesign in its products, underscored by the implementation of the ISO 14006 Ecodesign standard. Pardo seeks to reduce both the need for raw natural resources and the production of waste, closing "loops" cyclically.
PARDO has focused its strategy on obtaining high-quality innovative products and on equipping and furnishing whole facilities with all necessary accessories. Their products are benchmarks in technology thanks to their research strategy and are characteristically high performing and reliable. Care is taken to adapt the products to the environment where they will be used, with significant flexibility in sizing and functional options. Similarly, the company is committed to project customisation, with a wide range of finishes and personalising the equipment with the client's logos.