Engineering, audiovisual integration and cutting-edge technology projects

With over 50 years of experience in the field of audiovisual engineering and integration and an international track record dating back to 1998 with the UN Pavilion project for the Lisbon Expo, BGL Audiovisual covers projects in which audio, video, IT, AR, VR and control technologies are combined. The main fields of action / lines of business are museums and pavilions for International Exhibitions, corporate (auditoriums, conference centres, meeting rooms, etc.), services (subtitling, technical outsourcing, etc.) and broadcast. The company belongs to the Secuoya Group, a leading light in the creation, production and distribution of audiovisual content, providing innovative solutions to create, produce and manage any audiovisual product or service.
BGL has designed conditioned LED screens for outdoor use in extreme weather conditions. For installation in ski resorts, each LED screen is provided with a customised protection system against humidity and temperatures by means of insulating polyethylene enclosures, heaters to prevent internal condensation, fans to regulate the temperature and sensors to monitor their indexes.