
Efficiency in business and production management through technologies such as blockchain

Septer is a company comprising a team of technology specialists, with extensive experience in business and factory management. They apply technology in processes, products and the industrial value chain. They optimise the production process, facilitate innovation in the manufacturer-end client relationship, help provide more efficient services in cities and buildings and prepare companies for fast and efficient compatibility with new blockchain platforms. As an innovative company, Septer has developed the iCuorum projects, a blockchain platform for the professional lighting industry, and lines that pursue the goal of environmental sustainability such as Data Driven Factory, Data Driven Product, Data Driven City, and GotoBlockchain.
In the matter of cities, which are the biggest generators of impacts both for their consumption of water, energy and raw materials as well as for the generation of waste and pollution, they produce solutions to foster renewable energies, smart metering systems for energy and water consumption, monitoring and control of pollution, renovation of buildings and urban equipment, as well as efficiency, reuse and recycling of resources (circular economy). In the case of urban street lighting, in addition to promoting intelligent management for the purposes of optimising consumption and its cost, Septer suggests that, on certain occasions, this should be the common basis of the connectivity infrastructure for other services, given its regular distribution throughout the city, its permanent connection to the grid and its elevation above sources of distortion and interference in communications.
The iCuorum project consists of the development and implementation of a decentralized management system for information flows and operations in the lighting value chain using blockchain and distributed ledger technologies. In this chain, the information flows and transactions can be technical, commercial, financial, contractual or regulatory, among others, and they are elaborated through blockchain and distributed ledger technologies so that the sector has its basis in operational efficiency, reliability, standardisation and being free of fraud. Run from a technical perspective by Septer, iCuorum is a project promoted by Anfalum, the Spanish Association of Lighting Manufacturers, and features the participation of organisations such as Une, Aenor, Ceis, Lcoe, Ami and the biggest names in lighting manufacturing.